Pacy and Wheatley Policies

Fatigue Management Policy
Pacy & Wheatley are committed to the health and safety of all personnel and others impacted by our work activities. The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of Pacy & Wheatley employees and others by restricting their works while impaired by fatigue. This policy applies to all Company employees and outlines responsibilities for management, site management and site operatives.
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Quality Management Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Quality Management Policies are committed to providing customers with service of the highest possible level of quality. In order to achieve this, we are continually improving processes, products and services, meeting and exceeding customer satisfaction at all times. The implementation of the quality policy is the responsibility of all staff members, with overall responsibility residing with the Managing Director. It is compulsory that all staff recognise and accept our philosophy of quality service delivery, accepting accountability for their own output.
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Environmental Sustainability Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Environmental Sustainability Policy help our senior team to drive through excellence and to comply with all applicable legal requirements which relate to our environmental responsibilities. We conduct our operations in a manner that protects both employees and the environment. We aim to prevent pollution and achieve all aspects of our UKAS ISO 14001:2004 accreditation.
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Health & Safety Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Health and Safety Policy recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and is committed to health and safety excellence and the protection of our people, our property and the environment. We are committed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our employees, contractors and visitors. We also recognise that Health and Safety should be considered equally with quality and performance when work is being considered or undertaken.
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Bribery Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Bribery Policy, the new UK Bribery Act 2010 prohibits bribery, or attempted bribery and is effective from July 1st 2011. Bribery includes business kickbacks, corrupt commissions, and other forms of illicit business payments to secure business or government contracts. Bribery does not have to involve cash or an actual payment exchanging hands and can take many forms such as a gift, lavish treatment during a business trip or tickets to an event.
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Business Continuity Plan
Disasters, Acts of God and unplanned events can have a devastating effect on any business. It is essential for the purposes of continuity, and to uphold our ability to maintain our promises and deliver our client expectations, that we plan and make allowances for events which may be out of our direct control.
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Corporate & Social Responsibility Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Corporate and Social Responsibility Policy is ambitious: "To deliver effective services through the responsible and sustainable management of all our resources." We are firm believers that operating sustainability is essential to delivering a successful service - We have a responsibility to the people who live, work and visit Leicestershire to boost our positive impacts while managing our negative impacts on the environment, local communities and economy.
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Corporate Development Plan
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Corporate Development Plan we continue to commit to a basic definition of Personal Development Planning as "a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning and/or achievement and to plan for their personal career and educational development". We will continue to pursue integration of PDP into all areas of the business as a cornerstone of our drive to improve staff retention and progression.
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Customer Care & Complaints Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Customer Care and Complaints Policy incorporates a review of existing processes and procedures, to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction are maintained. We continually seek feedback from our clients and ask them to complete a confidential non-contractual questionnaire upon which they can submit their views on key issues, including Quality, Performance, Relationships, Health & Safety, Consideration, Level of information provided at Pre-Construction and Customer Care.
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Equality & Diversity Policy
Pacy and Wheatley Construction Equality and Diversity Policy is committed to eliminating discrimination, promoting diversity and providing equal opportunities, which is demonstrated through our employment policies, procedures and practices. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and that each person feels respected and able to give of their best.
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Privacy Policy
Pacy & Wheatley Limited takes privacy very seriously. This notice explains how we use the personal information you provide to us in various formats.
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Modern Slavery
Pacy and Wheatley have developed a statement in accordance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are dedicated to the deterrence of modern slavery, which we recognise to be forced labour, human trafficing and child slavery.
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